Step-by-step Method

When you register, we carefully consider your personal preferences of where you would like to live, what type of SDA you require (Fully Accessible, Robust, High Physical Support) and ideal building type, allowing us to accurately start the matching process for you.

Once we have successfully located a match to your preferences and secured an investor, we will notify you as soon as possible. We will commence building the SDA if your housing plan has not changed. The more registered participants we have will ensure a greater possibility of finding the right match for your housing options.

For Example

We have a match when we are able to identify two NDIS participants in our database who would like to stay in a (1) Two bedroom (2) High Physical Support (3) House with (4) Onsite Overnight Accommodation- OOA in (5) Brisbane along with an investor who would like to invest in this SDA project.



Register your interest today.